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Celebrating the Homeschool Dad(Who Doesn’t Do the Homeschooling)

Pastor Joel Ortega

When someone asks my husband what grades our kids are in, a panicked and highly entertaining look flashes across his face. I rescue him with the correct answers, knowing he doesn’t keep track of grades (or ages or school subjects). That’s understandable because in our family, homeschooling is my realm, not his. That’s probably for the best, because if he ran the homeschool, it would be all PE class, all the time. Though the kids may prefer that, it’s good that one of us delights in grammar and literature and history. My husband and I both want me to be the teacher. We wouldn’t have it any other way.

I love his answer when someone asks if he helps with teaching. He says, “My role in our homeschool is to make sure my wife has everything she needs.” He lets me buy the books, buy more books when my curriculum plans change, and buy even more books just because we homeschooling moms like books. He also made sure the kids and I had adequate space for schooling. Plus, he’s our built-in tech guy.

He’s happy to run the kids to practices and lessons when I ask. He sometimes empties the dishwasher, puts gas in my car, and even brings home a pizza for supper when I’m weary. Though he does not help with the actual homeschooling, he very much helps our busy and full homeschool life happen.

As the kids near adulthood, Dad prepares them well. That’s probably for the best, because if it were up to me, I’d likely keep them little forever and just keep reading them all those books. He’s handled the driver’s licenses, the parallel parking practice, the work permits, bank accounts, and all that has to happen to move our kids from childhood to adulthood.

Long before we had these kids to homeschool, I remember him easily accepting my dream of homeschooling. He’s never objected.

Hats off to all of the homeschooling dads who don’t actually do the homeschooling but help make it happen. We notice! Our families are stronger because of you.

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